Thursday, June 6, 2013

Walk abouts

5 June

I have had a few days of class, but am still trying to find my way to the surface after being thrown in the deep end of Mandarin -- so I will leave that for another post.

I mentioned in an earlier post that my host mom takes me on these walk abouts. We have gone on yet another. This one was after I got home and ate dinner which sounds okay, but my schedule runs something like:

5:30 am wake up
6:30 am head out to class to avoid rush hour
7:30 meet Will at Starbucks (thank you Howard for putting an Sbux 500 ft away from school)
9:30 am Group Class
11:30 - 12:30 lunch
12:30 Group Class
2:30 - 3:00 break
3:00 - 5:00 Solo Class

And if you are bad at math, that is another hour home if I eat with my host family that means that the walk about started around 7:00 pm. This one ended about 9:00 pm, so not too bad. I also remembered to bring a camera on this one, so I'll wrap this post up with pictures. Enjoy!

For Papa, all taken with small camera.

 Group exercise at your local metro. Easy to get to and keeps the arthritis at bay!

This is a Library, I think. The sign was in characters and this is what I got out of the charades gestures. Any, bad light blurred the focus so I edited it into pencil sketch.

Same place, just to give you an idea how large that door is!

Northwestern watch tower of the Forbidden City. This is a 30ish minute walk from the house.

Main northern gate of the Forbidden City. I was shocked how well the reflection came out in the low light I had.

Still Main Northern Gate, this is to show some scale. And yes, all those people have swords and are preforming some sort of exercise/ritual/rehearsal.

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